the reason you will love cesis
User friendly
Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily,
pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.
A lot of features
Cesis comes with tons of options, all the theme panel options can be changed page by page if needed, change menus, color, layout super easily without having to code or modify anything. The main reason our customers love us is because the theme has been built with them in mind. Made by professional but can be used by anyone.
Easy Installation & Setup
Fully Customizable Options
One Click Demo Content Importer
Auto Theme Updater For Easy Updates
Powerful Customization Options
One Page Parallax For Any Page
WooCommerce Design Integration
bbPress Forum Design Integration
BuddyPress Design Integration
Top Notch Support Service
Coffee cups
work hours
our projects

Our services
This theme is the best one to buy if you don’t know anything about coding but still want to be able to create awesome website.
Using the front-end editor to build live and easily, anyone can do it.
Pricing Tables
Cesis comes with tons of options, all the theme panel options can be changed page by page if needed, change menus, color,
layout super easily without having to code or modify anything.
own server.
one WordPress installation
up to ten tickets
own server.
ten WordPress installation
up to hundred tickets
own server.
ten WordPress installation
up to hundred tickets
own server.
hundred WordPress installation
unlimited tickets
Latest News
This theme is the best one to buy if you don’t know anything about coding but still want to be able to create awesome website.
Using the front-end editor to build live and easily, anyone can do it.